"The Top Plastic Surgeons
in America dedicated to
Flawless Breast
Surgery Results
for the most
discriminating patients"
MIAMI                              RIVERSIDE, CA                    CHICAGO                       NEW YORK                   DALLAS                               NEW YORK
What to Expect During the Breast Implants

The specific duration of breast augmentation surgery with breast implants varies
slightly depending on which type of breast implant, placement methd and
incision approach you choose. It also depends on whether you are undergoing
breast augmentation by itself or in conjunction with another procedure such as
breast lift.

Generally speaking, however, it takes your surgeon about two to three hours to
complete breast augmentation surgery. Surgeons perform breast implants
surgery on an outpatient basis under general anesthesia, which is administered
by a board-certified anesthesiologist.

To begin the procedure, your surgeon makes the previously agreed-upon
incision pattern. They then insert the breast implant in an implant pocket either
behind the breast tissue or behind the chest muscle, as previously discussed.
Finally closing any incisions made in the breast tissue with layered stitches, and
then closes the incisions on the skin with stitches, surgical tape or skin adhesive
before dressing the treated area with bandages. Your breast augmentation
surgeon also places a surgical bra over the bandages, which you will need to
wear for several weeks until you are otherwise directed by the doctor.

What to Expect During the Breast Implants
Recovery Period

Once the effects of the anesthesia have subsided, you are released into the
care of an authorized individual. You will also need someone to stay with you the
first night following the procedure. You should arrange to take about one week
off from work or your usual routine.

The most intense period of recovery occurs in the initial three to five days
following the breast augmentation procedure. During this initial recovery period,
you should get plenty of rest and abstain from any rigorous activity including
heavy lifting. That said, you should also be sure to walk around the house
periodically to help decrease the risk of developing blood clots.

You may notice that the treated area is bruised, swollen, tender, numb or
painful, but these are common symptoms that should diminish over time. You
can take oral pain medication as directed by your doctor to relieve any
postoperative discomfort. You can resume your normal activities, including your
exercise routine, gradually when your surgeon lets you know that it is okay to do

Although surgical complications are generally uncommon, there are certain risks
associated with any surgery. Your doctor will take every precaution to minimize
surgical risks. On your end, be sure to follow all of your doctor's instructions
strictly, both before and after surgery. This will help further minimize the risks
associated with breast implant surgery.